Simulate and predict vessel performance

NepTech provides its numerical test basin (CFD) and expertise

Service offer

A complete range of CFD services for naval applications


Advanced CFD
solutions development

Validation cases

Experimental and CFD results comparison

NepTech’s services to enhance your vessels’ performance

From the preliminary design phase to sea trials, NepTech provides advanced methodologies in CFD simulations (Computational Fluid Dynamics) to accurately model complex naval hydrodynamics phenomena while ensuring reliable predictions

Drag resistance and propulsion

KRISO Container Ship Tokyo 2015 Workshop

Naked hull

CFD appendices

With appendages

CFD appendices


Predicting a vessel’s resistance to forward motion is a key step in assessing energy performance. It enables the optimization of propulsion system design and energy consumption from the earliest stages of preliminary design.

Service offer

1. Analysis of drag resistance

  • Resistance in calm water
  • Added resistances:
    ○ Appendages
    ○ Propulsors
    ○ Surface roughness

2. Propulsive performance calculation

  • Propulsive coefficients (wake fraction and thrust deduction)
  • Hydrodynamic impact of appendages (rudder, daggerboard, etc.) and other potential disruptors

3. Specific studies and analyses

  • Comparative studies of different vessel designs
  • Hydrodynamic polar diagrams
  • Recommendations for improving the design of hulls


Catamaran CFD calculs

Seakeeping simulations are essential for predicting vessel behavior, assessing compliance with stability, comfort, and safety criteria, and estimating the impact of waves on energy consumption under real or extreme maritime conditions.

Service offer

1. Analysis of hydrodynamic resistance

  • Forward resistance in waves
  • Added resistance in waves

2. Propulsive performance calculation

  • Influence of waves on propulsive coefficients

3. Specific studies and analyses

  • Comparative studies of different vessel designs
  • Determination of RAOs (Response Amplitude Operators)
  • Compliance with performance criteria



NepTech stands out for its expertise in hydrofoil design and the development of advanced methods for sizing and validating the performance of foil-equipped vessels, whether flying or non-flying.

Service offer

NepTech provides a proven iterative sizing process:

  • Conceptual study
  • Preliminary sizing (analytical methods)
  • Performance validation:
    ○ CFD simulations of standalone hydrofoils
    ○ CFD simulations with the vessel


CFD simulation NepTech
CFD simulation NepTech
NepTech expert CFD navire bas carbone

Aerodynamics play a crucial role in assessing vessel performance. Aerodynamic simulations aim primarily to determine the drag coefficient of the above-water structure, in order to evaluate the wind’s impact on overall performance.

Service offer

1. Analysis of aerodynamic resistance

  • Aerodynamic resistance
  • Performance under real wind conditions
  • Added resistances:
    ○ Generated by superstructures
    ○ Due to surface roughness

2. Specific studies and analyses

  • Comparative design studies
  • Aerodynamic polar diagrams
  • Recommendations for improving the design of above-water structures
  • Study of recirculation zones, flow separation, and vortices


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Innovations in numerical modeling

Air lubrification

Injection d'air_innovation_CFD
Injection d'air_innovation_CFD
Injection d'air_innovation_CFD

Air lubrication simulation for hulls in CFD is a complex process that involves the qualification of multiphase models (water + air), while optimizing calculation efficiency.

To meet the challenge of ensuring the performance of ALS (Air Lubrication System) technologies, NepTech collaborates closely with its technical and academic partners.

Drag resistance in shallow water

Shallow depths in coastal and river areas significantly impact the energy consumption of vessels. To address this, NepTech develops advanced CFD methods to simulate forward resistance in shallow water.

Résistance à l’avancement en eau peu profonde _ CFD

These complex phenomena are studied for all types of vessels, with a particular focus on the specificities of catamarans.

NepTech’s ambition is to develop precise and rapid methodologies that allow the integration of these physical phenomena from the early stages of vessel design.


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Validation cases

NepTech compares its numerical simulations with experimental validation cases (standardized and referenced) in order to demonstrate the predictive capacity of the CFD methodologies developed

This approach demonstrates the accuracy, credibility, robustness and continuous improvement of our numerical tools