This benchmark presents a validation study conducted to predict the calm-water resistance of the KRISO Container Ship, comparing results obtained using NepTech’s digital towing tank with available experimental data from Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering (KRISO) and the National Maritime Research Institute (NMRI) from the Tokyo 2015 Workshop on CFD in Ship Hydrodynamics.

The findings demonstrate a strong correlation between the numerical and experimental results, with:
- A resistance error ranging from -1.66 to -0.07 Newtons*, equating to -1.80 to -0.16 percent,
- A heave error on the order of millimetres,
- A dynamic pitch error from -0.003 to -0.012 degrees*, corresponding to a variation of approximately ±16 percent.
*for the extra fine mesh
The EFD/CFD differences can be attributed to variations in hydrostatic characteristics between the model used for the tank tests and the model applied in CFD calculations.
A mesh convergence study further demonstrated convergence while highlighting the exponential increase in computational time as a function of mesh cell count.
This benchmark thus confirms NepTech’s capability to accurately and efficiently predict the dynamic behaviour of a monohull vessel advancing at low speeds. By employing a fully automated digital towing tank using the latest advanced modelling tools, we conclude that simulations of similar flow type will be reliable.
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