This benchmark provides a comprehensive validation study on the DELFT 372 catamaran in calm water, using NepTech’s digital towing tank. Key findings compare CFD results with experimental data, addressing resistance, resistance coefficients, vessel motions, free surface renderings, and computational time. A mesh convergence study is also included.

The findings demonstrate a strong correlation between the numerical and experimental results, with:
- A resistance error ranging from -2.45 to +0.64 Newtons*
- A heave error on the order of millimetres or less,
- A dynamic pitch error from -0.096 to 0.109 degrees*.
*For the fine mesh
The EFD/CFD differences can be attributed to variations in hydrostatic characteristics between the model used for the tank tests and the model applied in CFD calculations, particularly a difference in the waterline beam of the hull modelled in CFD.
This benchmark thus confirms NepTech’s capability to accurately and efficiently predict the dynamic behaviour of a catamaran vessel advancing from low speeds to high speeds. By employing a fully automated digital towing tank using the latest advanced modelling tools, we conclude that simulations of similar flow type will be reliable.
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